Yoga with Padmini
The spring of joy is always within us, we just need to discover it and remember that its flow is not subject to any external influences or circumstances.
Yoga is more than just perfect asanas to beautify the physical body. Asana is just a slice of what can be experienced through the full practice of yoga.

THURSDAYS 19:45 - 21:00
Ananda Yoga Sadhana
MONDAYS 9:00 - 10:00 (coming soon)
Yoga for Kids
Face Yoga
Moon Cycle Yoga
Ananda yoga was developed in the Ananda communities in the US, following the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. It is a slow, meditative style of yoga that aims to unite your body, mind and soul through the awareness of energy flow.
This style of yoga is suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners. Ananda Yoga is for those who seek a deeper exploration of themselves.
Start the week with a friendly yoga class given according the moon cycles, and reconnect with the universe.
This face Yoga method was developed in Japan. By performing a variety of simple exercises to stimulate, strengthen and relax the facial muscles, the skin regains its firmness, elasticity and youthful appearance, helping to fight the effects of ageing.
To help children improve their body posture and balance, and connect with the world around.
To help control emotions and learn how to focus, it stimulates brain activity.
Using "gratitude cards" for children, to help develop self-confidence, self-esteem and emotional intelligence.
The essence of Ananda Yoga
In recent years, many yogis have committed themselves to an eclectic approach to Hatha yoga, lumping together techniques and approaches from many different traditions. True yoga, however, is not just a collection of techniques. A genuine yoga tradition holds to a specific ray of divine grace because that ray is the source of its power.
Swami Kriyananda states : “Yoga’s purpose is spiritual, and since Hatha yoga is the physical branch of Raja Yoga*, Hatha yoga must have a spiritual purpose. It can’t be just to give you a good body."
Ananda Yoga practice is about generating and increasing an inward and upward flow of energy in a safe, balanced, conscious way. Therefore, every part of Ananda Yoga — including and especially one’s attitude — should contribute to this goal.
- Energization Exercises by Paramhansa Yogananda
- Asana with affirmations
- Continuous awareness
- Meditation
*Raja or “royal” yoga is a combination of several yogas including bhakti (devotional) yoga, gyana (wisdom) yoga, and karma (service) yoga.